Healthy Living after Knee Replacement

Healthy Living is a research program designed specifically for people after total knee replacement surgery to help manage their health and lifestyle behaviors. The program includes 12 months of telephone-support with a health coach who will help you set goals and build confidence for managing your health and behaviors after knee replacement surgery. All participants of the program will receive materials to help you build healthy behaviors into your day as well as learn the strategies necessary to help deal with issues commonly experienced by those with arthritis and other chronic conditions. If you qualify for the research study, the program is offered at no cost to you.

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Enrollment is currently OPEN for the Healthy Living After Knee Replacement Study! If you would like to participate, please review the eligibility criteria below to ensure that you’re able to participate and then CLICK HERE to complete the participant screening survey.


  • Recently had knee replacement surgery (<6 months ago)
  • Are not planning to have any surgeries in the next 18 months
  • Currently live in the Columbia or Greenville regions
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) between 25-45 kg/m2 (click here to check your BMI)
  • Do not have another condition, besides your knee and arthritis, that limits your movement
  • Not taking any weight loss medications or participating in a formal weight loss program
  • Have not had or not planning to have weight loss surgery
  • Are willing to attend 4 in-person research study visits
  • Have a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet
    Line drawing of man and woman stretching
    Vine drawing

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    What is the purpose of this study?

    Healthy Living is a research program designed specifically for people after total knee replacement surgery to help manage their health and lifestyle behaviors.

    What’s the study about?

    The study is comparing two programs for adults after knee replacement

    One program will focus on topics like self-management skills, sleep habits, and stress management. The other program will focus on topics such as healthy eating, physical activity, and weight loss

    Both programs include 12 months of telephone calls with a health coach who will help you set goals and build confidence for managing your health and behaviors after knee replacement surgery.

    Will I get to pick which program I participate in?

    No. Healthy Living is a randomized controlled trial, which means that you will not be able to choose which program you get to be in.

    What will be expected of me if I participate in this study?

    You will be asked to:

    Participate in brief phone calls with a study coach.
    Coaching calls generally last about 10-15 minutes and are scheduled around your availability on the following schedule:

    • Months 1-4 = weekly
    • Months 5-6 = bi-weekly
    • Months 7-12 = monthly

    Complete 4 study visits.
    Each visit will last about 40 minutes and occur at 6-month intervals:

    • Visit 1 = prior to study start (baseline visit)
    • Visit 2 = at month 6
    • Visit 3 = at month 12
    • Visit 4 = at month 18 (final visit)

    Track your behaviors (e.g., sleep, activity, diet).
    You may be instructed to track different behaviors throughout the program. You may also receive technology or other tools to support you with tracking and making healthy changes.  

    What do I do during the study visits?

    During each visit, we will complete 4 brief function tests, measure your height and weight, and ask you to complete surveys on your health and behaviors. The first visit will last about 1.5 hours. The other visits will last about 60 minutes. We will also ask you to wear a small physical activity monitor around your waist under your clothes for 7 days as well as complete 1 diet survey.

    Who can participate in this study?

    You can participate in the study if you:

    • Recently had knee replacement surgery (<6 months ago)
    • Are not planning to have any surgeries in the next 18 months
    • Currently live in the Columbia or Greenville regions
    • Have a body mass index between 25-45 kg/m2
    • Have another condition, besides your knee and arthritis, that limits your movement
    • Not taking any weight loss medications or participating in a formal weight loss program
    • Had or planning to have weight loss surgery
    • Are willing to attend 4 in-person research study visits
    • Have a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet

    How can I calculate my BMI to know if I qualify for the study?

    You can calculate your BMI online with this online calculator:

    Do I receive anything for participating?

    To thank you for your time, you will receive $50 for completing each in-person visit. Also, after wearing the activity monitor and finishing 1 dietary survey at each visit, you will be entered in a quarterly lottery drawing for prizes.

    Do I get to keep the technology/tools I receive?

    Yes, any tools you receive as part of your participation in the study will be yours to keep. The only exception is the ActiGraph activity monitor, which will be given back to the study.

    Where will I go for study visits? Will I have somewhere to park for the study visits?

    Columbia participants:

    • Study visits are held on the 3rd floor in the Public Health Research Center of the Arnold School of Public Health.

    921 Assembly St., Suite 318
    Columbia, SC 29208

    • Parking is available behind the building at no cost.

    Greenville participants:

    • Study visits are held at:
      • Steadman Hawkins Clinics of the Carolinas-Patewood

    200 Patewood Dr. Building C
    Greenville, SC 29615


    Prisma Health Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas – Simpsonville

    727 SE Main St #220
    Simpsonville, SC 29681

    • Parking is available at each clinic at no cost.

    What if I can no longer participate in the study after the program begins?

    Participation in the Healthy Living Study is completely voluntary, and you can stop at any time without negative consequence. However, if you feel like you no longer want to or are able to participate, we encourage you to express any concerns to our study staff prior stopping.

    What if I am interested in participating in the study?

    If you would like to see if you qualify for this research study, please complete the following survey:  CLICK HERE

    If you have any questions, please contact us at or 803-777-1889.

    Contact us

    Want to learn more about our team? Click here

    Want more information about the study or have questions? Fill out this contact form or call us at 803-777-1889 and someone will be in touch with you.